
Fur laying: there are two ways to do this: The first involves taking some short fun-fur and a piece of nylon or thin cloth and putting a layer of glue on it, then laying the fun-fur on that (MAKE SURE YOU COMBED THE FUR SMOOTH BEFORE LAYING IT ON THE FABRIC!). Then take a razor and carefully cut the backing away from the fur. This part takes some skill, because you want to cut the fur fairly evenly. Once you've done this, you end up with a small piece of material with a flat layer of fur on it. You then cut and glue this onto the piece to be covered. The alternative technique is to lay the fur directly onto the mask (or whatever). The advantage with the first style (laying the fur onto an interim material first) is that if you make a mistake, you haven't messed up your mask. The only real reason to use the direct method is if you are laying fur onto a foam latex piece with mechanical movements (there's more flexibility with out the additional backing).

Advantages: Looks lots better than gluing fun-fur onto the mask (the fur lays flatter, more delicately), and almost as good as flocking or punching, and feels nice. Drawbacks: messy (but not as messy as flocking), requires a little skill with the razor when you cut the fur from the backing (BTW, in this instance, fun-fur works better than NFT fur).