
This is defined as relating to an animal, such as a horse, cat, or dog, whose weight is borne on the toes.

Humorous takeoff on digitgrade and related using Mindy Muskrat - http://docphlogiston.tripod.com/mindy.html

Drywall stilts, could be used in digigrade? - http://www.fantastictools.com/pages/stilts.htm

Skeleton pics, great for references - http://www.zoology.ubc.ca/courses/bio204/lab7_photos.htm

Related art and paws - http://www.freepaws.org/art.html

Digitgrade legs and hooves - http://hawke.livequest.de/digi.html

From: Robert King
Super Jay asked

I need digitigrade feet for my GARGOYLE costume.. I've tried two prototypes
and it's not going well at all :/

I've asked various FX artists and other people and everyone has bailed on me :(

That's because true digitigrade is a TOUGH order. I assume you want true digitigrade, not simulated like Lance Ikegawa's and other's stuff.

OK let's list them:

–Kerwin's Rabbitroo costume incorporates “Jump Soles” which give you a kangaroo like digitigrade effect - I'll call this a “90 degree” leg because that's about the leg/foot angle. The “extension” (length beyond human toe) is good on this costume because he isn't trying to stand on tip toe.

–Some people have done Satyr costumes with feet not unlike high heels. I'd call these “120 degree” costumes. Little if any extension is practical in this approach because you are standing on tip toe.

–I've also seen a Satyr done with 110 degrees angle and 10 inches of extension. The fellow did it by bending a steel strip around the back of his leg, under his heel, and under his sole out to the hoof. He looked pretty good in photos, but since the joint was frozen, he moved like a Satyr with arthritis.

–If you want a tiptoe digitigrade leg with extension, the next step is a flexible leg brace with dynamic assistance to compensate for the additional torque. But now you're getting into medical prosthetic and brace work. Making these things functional and bearable is a challenge. Plus the possibility of joint damage if you have a structural failure. Nobody wants to build such a thing for someone else partly because of the liability.

OK - a GARGOYLE foot has about 8 inches of unsupported extension, 100 degree angle and isn't TOTALLY tip toe, right?

I'd start with the steel band “arthritic satyr” approach if you must have this. Be sure you incorporate a walking staff into the costume personna.

Any way you can live with the “simulated” approach? The comfort gain is incredible and the illusion is pretty good if done right.