Everyone has their own preference of application of the makeup. Much of the time, the little latex squares will be used, as they can get into corners and blend in better. Others will use q-tips, fingers, etc.
Start out with your main color. For example, a tiger has orange, white, and black. Orange is the main color. Apply that color first, then add the white around the eyes and mouth. Then powder and remove the excess powder. Then add on the black stripes. When done, powder again.
In short, what you're doing is applying your main colors, and then 'setting' them so the makeup doesn't smear when you're applying the details over your main colors.
Take your powder puff, and put some powder on it. Then make it into a taco, doubling up the puff, and rub the powder into the puff. This allows you to evenly put the powder onto the makeup.
When applying the setting powder, pat it in all over where the makeup has been applied. Don't skimp. It'll seem the setting powder is destroying the look you want. Take a powder brush, and brush off the excess powder. The makeup will be lightened or darkened some, depending on what you used. Excess powder will go everywhere, so be prepared to clean up the work area.
The reason for using the setting powder is that you do not want the makeup to smear when you and/or other people touch that area of makeup.
This is the area where it's best to take your time. Rush jobs don't quite look as good as those jobs that took their time. A minimum of 30 minutes can give you some nice minimalist effects. To really get some good details can take a minimun of two hours. It's not unusual to hear of some artists going 3-4 hours or more under the brush.
If you're going for a horror look, use the nonscented powder if you can find it or the setting powders from the costume shops. If you're trying to look like a wolf, act like a wolf, and go around like a wolf, you really don't want to use the scented stuff, as you're going to be the best-smelling wolf in the house.