Footpaw/Hoofboot sources

Bearhands (
38 Main Street
Little Ferry, NJ 07643
Phone: 201-807-9898 or 877-805-9898
Fax: 201-807-9808
They sell mittens that look like bear paws. Must be seen to believe.

Lederstern (
Matthias Fichtner
Hof Lauterbach 8
34516 Vohl
Phone: 0049-(0)5635/991038
Fax: 0049-(0)5635/991039
Note: This site is *ALL* Flash, no html pages, and in German, so don't expect translator websites to work with it. They make some custom items, including hoofboots.

Mythic Footwear (
Somewhat incomplete, the pages show dog and cat boots that can be worn with clothing and with suits. Email the person for prices and other info.