I have recently come across a very nice plastic for working with. If comes under several names. Shapeloc and Polymorph http://www.c-d-c-shop.com/polymorph.htm

It is a Thermoplastic that will become plyable at 62C and then sets to a harness that is equivelent of nylon. Very easy to use and mold into any shape/mask/muzzle etc. To make minor changes just rehard that sections and work on it.

Hopes this helps.

Thermoplastic sources

Backstage Hardware & Theatre Supply (http://www.backstagehardware.com/)
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Phone: 617-330-1422 or 800.698.8995
Fax: 617-330-6997

Bon-Mar Textiles Inc. (http://www.bon-mar.com/)
8448 St Laurent Blvd
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H2P 2M3
Phone: 514-382-2275 or 800-363-2993 (In Canada)
Fax: 514-382-4661

Dazian, LLC (http://www.dazian.com/)
P.O. Box 2121
124 Enterprise Avenue
Secaucus, NJ 07096-2121
Phone: 877-232-9426
Fax: 201-549-1055
Note: More locations found in Contact Us.

Foss Manufacturing Company, Inc. (http://www.fossmfg.com/)
380 Lafayette Road
PO Box 5000
Hampton, NH 03843-5000
Tel: 603-929-6000 or 800-343-3277
Fax: 603-929-6010
Note: This is the corporate headquarters location. Check Contact Us for more US and International locations.

Mainstage Theatrical Supply, Inc. (http://www.mainstage.com/)
129 W. Pittsburgh Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Phone: 414-278-0878 or 800-236-0878
Fax: 414-278-0986
They have five locations, check Contact Us.

Orthopaedic Systems UK (http://www.orthopaedicsystems.co.uk/)
Unit F
100 Shaw Road
Oldham, Lancs, OL1 4AB, UK
Phone: +44(0)161 665 5970
Fax: +44(0)161 665 5971

Pacific Northwest Theatre Associates, Inc. (http://www.pnta.com/)
615 South Alaska Street
Seattle, WA 98108
Phone: 800-622-7850 (Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST)
Fax: 206-267-1789