
From: Lucky
Does anyone know of a good website to find names at for their fursuit?

Or does anyone know of any good character / name generators? Like we used to use for ad&d?

Im trying to find names that haven't already been used….

Many responses came up, summarized;
o Check a baby naming book or go to (courtesy of Kitty and beandip)
o Look at regional/state/province names, like African names (courtesy of Kamau)
o names used by entertainment characters/actors
o if you share the same name with someone, create a different sort of identity to prevent confusion (courtesy of Kitty)
o RPG game characters

From: Damian K
You'll have plenty of time while making your fursuit to choose it's name. Just hum. hum while sketching the suit and drafting patterns. Hum to the SHULKA-SHULKA noise of the sewing machine motor.

Hum little songs of furry nonsense and the right name will just pop into your head.

A little less poetic:

To be original avoid alliteration (Danny the dog, Mark Meerkat, ect.) and avoid anything with the word “fur” in it in any for or permutation. This should steer you clear of a lot of furry names.

From: Chaka Wolf
In addition to baby names, there are websites with pet names. You can also modify common words to make character names. One of my favorite character names for a short story was 'Kyo'. That is just the city name 'Kyoto' shortened a bit. Then there is the phone book. Try 'Google'ing the name you choose along with the word 'furry' or 'fursuit' to see if anyone else is using it. Remember – there are lots of people named John, or Mary, or Sam. Just because there is another suit out there with the same name doesn't make it bad.

From: Blackberry
Sometimes I'll just have a name in mind first and then try to build a character that fits that name. That's what I did with Canfield the horse.

Often, I try to come up with a region for my suit's character first and base the name around that. Cruising around maps of the area and reading through local dishes can be very inspiring. That's what I'm doing with Brazza the bat and Ochazuke the tanuki.

More sites on suit naming: