Weight Lifting Belts

Check the sporting goods section of most stores like Walmart including regular sports supply shops. They can range from the cheapies all the way to the more expensive leather ones.

From: Camstone Fox
Subject: FL: (Learning the Hard Way) Healthy advice on one tail attachment method…

I was fursuiting this weekend at Panda Guy’s picnic, and found it more difficult than previous outings I had been on. At first I couldn’t figure out why things were being so hard for me. I had considered the issues of me getting a tad bit older or a little more out of shape (I’ve done less fursuiting this year for some reason) or that even I had worn myself down a bit the night before with doing some bowling in fursuit. Yet, things didn’t seem to add up until this morning.

I found the culprit was my tail attachment - that I had misadjusted it too high and above my waist. I wasn’t thinking, and in a bit of a hurry changing in the men’s bathroom and not wanting to be in there too long… so I had hurriedly adjusted the weight/lifting belt I used for the tail attachment (like one shown here: http://spinalbrace.com/liftingbelts/extensor.htm ) - and had adjusted it to sit too high. It was just under my rib cage and the middle of the elastic belt was at my navel. What I didn’t realize at the time was that when it was adjusted snug-ly, it had compressed my abdomen up into my diaphram. So my diaphram was essentially fighting my “gut” for real estate. This is why I felt out of breath as quickly as I did, and faded long before I ever expected to. I just couldn’t get enough air into my lungs - even though I didn’t realize it at the time. That little bit of snugness (not terribly tight either) was enough to cause me extra effort when I exerted myself. This morning I am fine, but certainly can feel the difference in my chest area and just under my ribs. I called and asked my doctor - who said that unless I felt I was having trouble breathing, that I should be right as rain in a day or two - and to be more careful next time. Trust me… I will be.

So to anyone thinking of using such a belt system for tail attachment, be sure to be careful of the adjustments, and keep it low at the waist and more around the hips if anything.

…and Camstone follows with a reply from Chilly Mouse…

Am glad to hear your feeling better considering you could of done some damage to yourself with that belt. Yeah, that’s why I figured I should spread the info to everyone else. The doc said that he sees this from time to time with the weight belts being improperly adjusted for people who use them for moving. But he said the internal organs in that area are pretty movable/tolerant though… he even commented it wasn’t like it was a woman’s corsette, as it had velcro - so the chances of getting it too-too tight were pretty slim. He was more concerned with the lower rib cage than anything else. He said he’s read about some women in corsets tie them so tight that they will cause a compression crack in their lower ribs. But since I didn’t have any sharp-shooting pains, or trouble breathing in, there was no reason to be seen immediately… if at all.

[Maintainer's note: The process of corsetting as mentioned above is called tightlacing, which will not be covered in this FAQ for obvious reasons.]