
Contact lenses

Contact lens resource page -

As always with contact lenses, NEVER SHARE THEM, as getting eye infections are definitely not fun. Neither should you get them from a street vendor or boutique, nor try on the sample contacts, as those so-called sample contacts will be DIRTY! Vision is a precious thing. Before you even buy lenses, get an eye exam, and have the doctor give you the prescription.

However, you *can* try the sample disposable ones at the optometrist's office. These are there to let people see if they can wear contacts, and they are light color change ones.

According to Contact Lenses Online, if you wear glasses and haven't had an eye exam in a while, go ahead and have your exam but make sure you find a doctor who will release the contact lens prescription. Now, the doctor most likely won't release a prescription for the cat's eyes because they won't be ordering it and dispensing it. They may instead give a prescription for another type of lens. The smartest thing to do is to be fitted for the Wesley Jessen opaque lenses and get a prescription for them. They are pretty close to the cat's eye contact lens design. If the doctor still won't comply, at least get the keratometry (K's) readings along with the spectacle prescription

If the doctor won't give you the prescription, you have legal recourse -

From: Ann Garner
Don't get your first pair of contacts the day before the event and expect to be able to wear them. If you don't normally wear contacts, you will have to have a “breaking in” schedule. For hard contacts this can be up to a week to wear them comfortably.

If you are wearing contacts as part of the costume, take along a tiny flashlight when you wear them. The easiest way to find a lost contact on any type of floor is to shine a flashlight along the floor. The light should sparkle off the lense.

Contact Lenses sources

/home/furryfursuit/faq/data/pages/construction/appliances/contact_lenses.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/11 12:01 (external edit)

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