Building a vacuform table -
How to vacuform plastic -
Home made table -
From a bunch of messages put together on vacuum forming;
The Prop Builders Molding and Casting Handbook by Thurston James - ISBN 1-55870-128-1
Advance Composite Mold Making by John J Morena - ISBN: 089464825X
Scene Design and Stage lighting by W. Oren Parker/Harvey K. Smith - ISBN: 0534259855
The Costumers Handbook by Rosemary Ingham / Elizabeth Covey
Stage Makeup by Richard Corson
Intro to makeup for Theater
Robots, Androids and Animatrons, Second Edition by John Iovine - ISBN: 0071376836
Secrets of Building a Plastic Vacuum Forming Machine by Vincent R. Gingery - ISBN: 1878087223
* Lindsay Publications - - They specializes in exotic and hard-to-find technical books. They will have the vacuforming book in their books list.
“Do it Yourself Vacuum Forming, for the Hobbyist” by Douglas E. Walsh 1990
Vacuum Form
272 Morganhill Dr.
Lake Orion, MI 48360