What do you want to look like? You can have anything from light makeup to heavy, making people think you're someone else. You can get a look that will enhance your own features, make you look way older than you are, overemphasize your features for a clown look, or some sort of animal. A good makeup job takes time.
Werekatt's site with lots of makeup and related stuff - http://transform.to/~werekatt/
Bodypainting links site - http://members.aol.com/Sentai/BP-LINKS.htm
Makeup Design I class at Towson University. Excellent resource of finished students work including the instructors - http://wwwnew.towson.edu/stagemakeup/
Masks and makeup from the costumes.org site - http://www.costumes.org/HISTORY/100pages/MASKSAND.HTM
Professional makeup artist's site - lots of tips - http://www.sapsema.org/
Female actors in character and prosthetic makeup - http://www.themakeupgallery.info/
Movieprop's production resources - http://www.movieprop.com/Production/makeup1.htm
MSN's Worldwide Alliance of Makeup Artists - http://groups.msn.com/WorldwideAllianceofMakeupArtists/
The Body Paint Link Project - http://codecipher.com/bodypaint/