

Glue-All is the familiar white glue most know from their youth. It is safe and nontoxic and comes in plastic squeeze bottles with a simple twist cap.

MATERIALS: bonds most porous materials such as cloth and paper, and semi-porous materials as wood and pottery. Not for photos, bare metal, submerged or heated surfaces.

CAUTIONS, FIRST AID: None on label.

COMPOSITION: Not on label.

USE: The surfaces to be joined must be clean, dry, and over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. For porous materials spread thinly, press, and let dry. For semi-porous materials spread heavily, weight or clamp the surfaces wait about 35-40 minutes for the glue to set. One must wait overnight for the bond to reach full strength.

CLEAN UP: Use a damp cloth before it dries.

/home/furryfursuit/faq/data/pages/construction/materials/adhesive/glue-all.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/11 12:01 (external edit)

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