From: Timduru
Sandals How To, originally made from Ostrich's description in 1998.
What you need:
1 large dog collar with buckle (a)
1 leash or similar material, like thin luggages straps.. (b)
1 smaller dogs/cats collars (the one going around the ankle, optional see below) ©
camping foam mattress about 1/2 inch thick or more.. (d)
Hot glue
description of what you see in top_legend.jpg:
- the red leash is used for the front of the feet, the blue goes behind the 'ankle'/feet
- The large collar (a) just goes around your feet like you would do with regular sandals.
- The small black collar, I use it to go around my ankle, so it keeps the blue one secured to my feet.
the blue (b) and © are optional, I have another pair of sandals without them, and it works fine with most type of feet (just that with my lion the feet are 'round' and I was always loosing the sandals so I added these on the 2nd pair)
See sandals_feet.jpg to see how it fits on the feet ;)
+ To start cut 2 pieces out of the foam camping mattress, the size you would like your sandals to be.
you can give them the shape you like, either a basic oval shape or anything you like (just keep in mind you'll have to walk with them ;) )
Make them fit as well as you can to your fursuit feet.
The ones I made were originally made for my plushie lion, but I've been using them fine with both timdurus too :)
+ take one of the piece and cut slits with a cutter, the leashes / collars (L/C) will go through these.
you can either get the L/C to go all the way under that foam piece (top_full.jpg) or partially (top_partial_reinforce.jpg)
I tried both and didn't have any problem with the partial , so I guess you could go for that so you can save some L/C length. :)
As pictured on top_partial_reinforce.jpg in purple, you should reinforce the openings/slits on the inside You can use strong plastic, or a piece of leather for example. (I only pictured it for the (a) but you should do it for (b) too ) Cut a slit through that material and glue it on the under of the current foam piece. Then for each L/C get them through the appropriated slits and glue them under the current piece of foam
You might want to try how it fits on your fursuits feets, by pinning them first instead of glueing. For the front red leash, it has to be fitting very tight on your fursuit feet. For example if your feet are made of foam, it should compress the foam enough to keep the sandals in place. (see sandals_Fursuit_compress.jpg)
Once the glue is dry enough, get the 2nd piece of foam, and simply glue it slowly to the bottom of the first piece.
and that's it for the basic type of sandals.
You can also make them more complicated , like adding one perpendicular red leash piece in the front to stop your feet from getting out. (it doesn't happen if you get the front leash to compress enough the feet, but just in case.. )
For the © collar it just goes inside the blue one, and around my ankle, that's the easiest way I found. But to get the same effect of keeping the blue leash on the back of your feet, you could simply connect (a) and (b) blue on the top left and top right side of your feet, using more leash ..
You might also want to have the buckles of (a) on the outside of each feet , otherwise they tend to bump into each other when you walk.