
How Much Material Do I Need

Assuming the material is of a 60“ width on the roll or folded on the bolt (one yard is .9144 metres, one inch is 2.54 centimetres);

Head - Depending on the head size, around 1-2 yards.
Body - Allowing for some trimming to be done, 2-3 yards. Lots of padding, add an extra 1-2 yards.
Tail - Some tails are huge, most are small. Most will require up to one yard. Large oversize skunk tails can use 2 yards.
Forepaws/hands - Up to one yard.
Hindpaws/feet - Up to one yard.
Wings - How big is your wingspan? Are you going to use fur? You may need 2-5 yards of fabric. Think about what other materials you may use.

For shorter widths, you may need more fabric.

How much is that doggie in the window? Seriously, add up all projected costs of doing the costume. If you can't afford to do it right now, then start stockpiling the stuff you need over time, then build. The suit can wait. Your bills and rent can't.

Most people go for around 6-8 yards which is more than enough and allows for extras and suit repairs. Ordering a 15 yard roll of Monterey Mills fur is not uncommon. You can sell off the excess fur or use it for another suit.

From: Damian K
Subject: RE: FL: How much Fur?

I can't say exactly I kind of go by instinct and in head metacalculations but here's the main factors:

Most sellers will only cut as short as a half yard, If your making an all white suit with a six inch black tail you'll still have to take half a yard, keep this in mind.

Whatever your height is plus half a yard to start.

Do you have a pattern, either on paper or a very well thought out mental plan? How you arrange the cuts will affect the efficiency in parts per yard of fabric. No patterns, add another half yard

If you make a test fit out cheap cloth you'll know exactly how much fabric you'll need and forego this guesswork. How experienced are you, depending on your confidence in yourself add between zero to one yards.

If the heads oversized add between 1/2 to 1 yard.

If the body's exeptionally large and overstuffed add 75 to 100% to the last number.

If the cloth's on a 45 inch wide roll add another 75 to 100%.

This is of course assuming you're buying one type/color of fabric.

Round up to the nearest half yard and you should have a bit more than you need. That's okay, you'll eventually wear a spot out or desire an upgrade to some part of your suit and it'll come in handy.

———— Original Message ————
From: Tursi
To: Damian K
Subject: FL: How much Fur?

This feels like a silly question, because it's probably as basic as it gets. But I'm ready to move on past my commercial suit and get the custom stuff happening. I've shopped around, I've chosen the colors and lengths I want…. and I'm stuck. :)

How much fur should I get? Accounting for a full body suit with head, and probable errors, what's reasonable? I've only heard 'As much as you can afford'… but depending on how long I'm willing to go hungry, that varies. ;) (Assume one color for the sake of simplicity, I can work out how to divide it, I'm sure, I just need a starting point. :) )

Thanks in advance for any answers :)

/home/furryfursuit/faq/data/pages/construction/planning/material.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/11 12:01 (external edit)

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