From: Ivan Repin
Subject: Horse Riding in Costume
What suggestions would you have for riding a horse in costume?
The point above about introducing the horse gradually to the costume is the main one.. Having a quiet horse and some professional assistance on hand (My riding Instructor, Jill) helps.
Tiger was about 13 years old, a palimino gelding and had a pretty bombproof personality but I didnt want to take any chances.
I started by just standing there with the head off and just letting him look at and sniff me. When he seemed happy with this, I then climbed aboad and took him into the menage (dressage arena) with just jumpsuit,tail and paws …no head (but with a hardhat) and just did basic manouvers, halts changes of direction and pace, etc. After a bit of this, I put him over a few jumps.
This was to make sure I could control him properly in costume and he got used to the feel. I might point out that I have been taught to ride without stirrups and this is very useful, considering TT's feet are too big to fit in them anyway. Another useful skill to have is being able to ride one handed, western/stockman style, as I had to do one night at a soccer game when I rode in my wolf suit, carrying a flag.
After this we both took a break and after showing him the head and putting it on in front of him, I climbed aboard again and repeated the session.
this whole process was repeated twice more and the result was that I could ride Tiger in my TT costume just about anywhere.
Unfortunately, because of changed circumstances, I had to sell him but still ride in costume occasionally on other horses, once I have got them used to the suit.
A shot of him in a parade is at click on the picture gallery link..
Wonder how many other 'horsey' furries we have out there…they may be able to add more …Over to you.
From: “Tyger Cowboy”
Subject: Re: FL: Athletic Performance in Costume
Let the horse get familiar with you first and foremost. Some horses will be fine others…well…no sir..they just don't like it. Offer some treats perhaps out of your paw to win their confidence. Make sure your suit is well attached to you and your head doesn't bounce off on the ride. Also make sure you lower seams will stretch to accomdate the stance needed to ride. You will smell like a horse afterwards…it's just inevitable.